Your hands could save a life too! - We attended CPR training


On October 17, 2024, in celebration of World Restart a Heart Day, a fantastic event was held: CPR training was organized for laypeople, specifically for elementary and high school students, at the MVM DOME in Budapest. The Hungarian Chamber of Health Professionals also ensured that, alongside the training, there was an opportunity for career orientation advice for those interested in the healthcare field. In addition to nurses, paramedics, public health nurses, and dietitians, I had the honor of representing physiotherapists with my two lovely colleagues, Ildikó Tóth and Eszter Kovács.

The visitors were very curious. It was interesting to experience the common misconceptions about physiotherapy and manual therapy, as well as how young people have encountered this profession so far. I believe it is important for people to understand that physiotherapy is not only useful for existing health conditions but also plays a significant role in prevention. Preventing a problem is much easier than treating one that has already developed. We discussed visceral therapy, and visitors had the chance to try various fun tools and balance exercises. I'm happy because 9,000 people honored us with their presence! :)

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